Monday, June 15, 2009

Swine flu pandemic

swine flu pandemic

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swine flu pandemic
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HEALTH Minister Nicola Roxon says three of the 10 Australians in hospital with swine flu are in intensive care. There were 1762 confirmed cases of swine flu in Australia at noon (AEST) today, which Ms Roxon said accounted for six per cent of the A little break from my internship: one of our students caught the swine flu last week and the school's closed for today. *headdesk* Media's talking about a pandemic now. Right. I cannot believe it. Sure, people died from it - in Mexico and Africa, regions with less than standard medical equipment an ... It's been a while since I've had a substantive update, I guess. There are some major changes... I've been vegetarian for nine days, now. If anyone asks me why, I'll just point them to the correlation of the timing between my becoming a vegetarin and the declaration by the World Health Organization o ... Many cases of swine flu in the United States , but at least one reader wondered how companies should respond if their employees get sick with the virus, or if the pandemic alert is raised to the top level. Others are unsure how the virus is identified or whether to go ahead and take antiviral medication — just in case.


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